Have Some Water

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

it's time to get real

My notes from one of the lectures at this year's Advanced Bible Study Series in Gemünden:

"It's Time To Get Real"

Patrick Boyns
Advanced Bible Study Series
Gemünden, Germany
February 25, 2007

· We need to challenge our own way of thinking, try to think in ways we haven’t before.

· Most popular modern science insists that everything exists in a three-dimensional world.
      --It doesn’t exist if our senses can’t perceive it.

· This view of the world is RUBBISH!
· Patrick tells the group: “If you are currently in Gemünden, raise your hand.”
      --Every hand in the room goes up.
· Patrick tells the group: “If you are currently also somewhere else, raise your hand.”
      --Only a few hands go up.

· Each one of us is *always* in two places at the same time:
      --Physically, we are in one place: in a house, in a room, in an
      office, on a sidewalk, etc.
            -->These are physical locations.
      --Spiritually, we are in another place.
            -->This “place” is *not* a physical location.
            -->It doesn’t have a “where”.

· Problem: Even we Christians mostly tend to think in physical terms
      --“I’m in _____________ (insert building, city, state, country,
      --We are bound by the limitations of a three-dimensional
      physical world.
      --We can’t point in any direction and say that this is where
      we are spiritually.

            -->Spiritually, we are not limited by physical directions!

· We tend to think erroneously that the physical world is…
      --ultimately real.
      --all there is.
      --the total sum of reality.

            -->This kind of thinking is a form of idolatry: It places the
            importance and worth of the physical above that of the

· TRUTH: Everything physical is not eternal reality.
      --Everything physical is temporary.
      --The physical as eternal reality --> This is a spiritual illusion!
      --The physical has not existed forever.
      --The physical will not exist forever.

· Sometimes, when we try thinking of spiritual things, we fall into the trap of thinking of them in physical terms.
      --This causes us to come up with some fairly silly hypotheses
       and descriptions.

· If we insist on thinking that the physical world is all there is, we get into a real problem explaining where we come from, not to mention considering where we’re going.

· The world’s origin theories (e.g. that all physical matter must always have existed)…ARE A FAITH POSITION, no matter how reluctant the world is to believe it.
      --The Big Bang: “Let me get this straight…First there was
      nothing, and then it exploded?”
            -->No…something must have existed to cause the
            -->If it was a dense mass of matter…then something
             must have existed to bring all of that matter into such
            -->Something must have existed to catalyze the reaction
             that led to the explosion.
      --The big Bang does not explain origins: If we keep on asking,
       “Where did it come from?” and “Where did it come from?”
       and “Where did it come from?” in response to the world’s
      every reply,
            -->eventually, the world must answer, “I don’t know!”
            -->But the world continues to believe this theory,
            without any explanation or proof of the theory’s
                  *This is a FAITH POSITION.

· Physical matter is a part—a temporary part—of something bigger.

· Think differently! We need to think of ourselves not simply as physical beings!
      --Not even physical beings with a spiritual aspect.

      --Essentially, we are first and foremost SPIRITUAL BEINGS
       with a temporary physical aspect!
            -->This is what it means for us to have been created “in
             the image of God.”
            (-->This is why Isaiah ridicules idolatry [Isaiah 40 and

· Today, I am in Gemünden. This is partly true.
      --First and foremost, I am a spiritual being in a spiritual realm.
      --I am always in two “places” at once.

· Ephesians 1:1 --> “To the saints who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus”
      --“in Ephesus” --> physical location
      --“in Christ Jesus” --> Our spiritual “location” as Christians!

            -->As Christians, we never leave this location! That is
             why, no matter where we are physically located,
            we are always in fellowship with other saints!
            (-->Note that scripturally, a “saint” is one who has been
             immersed for the forgiveness of sins and to receive
             the Holy Spirit, and whom God has added to the
             spiritual body of Christ. Forget the world’s
             and the Catholic incorrect definition of “saint.”)

· Ephesians 1:3 --> “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.”
      --When we bless God, we praise him.
      --When God blesses us, he imparts to us his goodness and his
            -->Every spiritual blessing is to be found *in Christ*.

            -->If someone has been immersed into Christ, that
             person is our brother or sister in the spiritual
            location of Christ! The physical sign on the
             physical building in which they worship is irrelevant.
      --Other mention of the “heavenly places”: Ephesians 2:4-7,
       3:10, 6:12

· As saints, we are already seated together with Christ in the heavenly places.
      --This is why, when we eat the Lord’s Supper, we are in
      fellowship with *all* the saints around the Lord’s table.
      --1. Corinthians 12:12-14
            -->We, the Lord’s saints, are one body. When we partake
             with each other and Christ in the Lord’s Supper,
            it is a time of immense spiritual intimacy.

            -->And because we are, first and foremost, spiritual
                  *the blood of Christ is closer to us than the blood
                  in our veins.
                  *God is closer to us than the blood in our veins.

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  • Courtney-
    thanks for posting on this blog again.
    I finally took time to read it and it was very interesting. It is very true that we think in those physical ways and it is really hard sometimes to not think that way.
    I am glad you mentioned this! Now I will have to think about all of this once again to keep it on my mind...
    Love ya lots, Janine

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 28, 2007 12:11 PM  

  • Ah, Ja-ninchen! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment on this! It really means a lot to me when someone reads my serious writings and comments on them, instead of responding only to the less thought-provoking stuff. You're helping me have more motivation to keep posting here. Thank you! You're a real Schatz! :o)

    By Blogger thegermanygirl, at May 12, 2007 12:47 PM  

  • Courtney - I learn a lot from you and I am always excited about the serivous stuff. It keeps me thinking and growing!
    I love you sooo very much and hope for this blog to be updated again soon! hihi....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 16, 2007 11:14 PM  

  • Hey, I hope I update this blog again soon, too! ;o) Thanks for always being so encouraging, Nine!

    By Blogger thegermanygirl, at June 30, 2007 11:42 AM  

  • Hi Courtney, thanks for commenting on my blog. My story is in the archive under testimony. You might find it a challenging read on how the Holy Spirit can transform a life! I did not see an email address for you so here is mine


    By Blogger Kent Frost, at January 07, 2008 3:30 PM  

  • Hi Court,
    You're solid, and there aren't many of us blogging the Truth. I like what you've written. You'd be amazed at how similarly we think. See my "Darwin's 'Theory' explained at www.ultimatecounselor.blogspot.com See ya in heaven!


    By Blogger Terry Scerine, at July 14, 2008 11:52 PM  

  • Thanks for the visit and the comment, Terry! It's nice to know that there are others out there thinking this way. :o)

    By Blogger thegermanygirl, at August 10, 2008 2:13 PM  

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