Have Some Water

Monday, July 18, 2005

Announcing Free Lemonade

Okay. So, you know those lemonade stands kids used to have at the side of the street, and they'd sell lemonade for 10 cents a cup? At least, I think that's how it worked. Nobody in Germany does that, so I'm just guessing at the stateside-lemonade-selling-protocol.

Anyway...this blog is my lemonade stand in the wide, wonderful world of Blogland. Friends and neighbors, I'm offering lemonade here. FREE lemonade. Okay, so it's more like water, not lemonade. The lemonade idea was just bait to get you hooked.

Hooked into what, you ask? Well, even Blogland folks get thirsty, so here's what I'm "selling":

I plan to use this blog exclusively as a place to post my notes from Bible classes, Bible lecures, sermons, study guides, you name it. Everything I post here will be for the purpose of quenching spiritual thirst. I offer my notes, no strings attached, for anyone who wants to read them, copy them, use them for personal studies, etc. Not because I think my notes are great, but because they're sometimes useful to me, and maybe they might be useful to somebody else, too. Hopefully, some of what I post here will spur someone on to go to the source of thirst-quenching: the holy Words of Jesus Christ, who offers the spiritual water that each of us humans desperately need.

So watch this space! I've got "lemonade" coming right up!


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