the Bible is SO outdated!
Read Luke 10: 25-37, in which Jesus tells of three men. Two of them had the job of guiding, teaching, and taking care of others. And yet, when they had the chance to help someone who was in trouble, they turned their backs on that person (probably because of possible personal risk). The third man was the cultural enemy of the one who needed help...and yet, this third man put himself out, put himself at risk, in order to help the hurt man.
Jesus made the point that we each have the responsibility of doing everything we can to help others, especially those who need mercy.
Even today, after thousands of years of Truth staring us in the face, we humans still have a problem showing each other compassion.
And people say the Bible is outdated, doesn't apply to today's world.
Have they read it?
Good point, cousin. Helping others was a staple of Jesus' ministy, yet often the most overlooked in today's society. I believe that helping people should be something constantly on the mind of a Christian.
By Paul, at January 08, 2006 6:28 AM
Definitely. I'm convinced that if we truly understood the love of Christ, then loving other people wouldn't be such a problem for matter who the other people are. And if we love them, we help them...with their physical needs, but first and foremost with their spiritual ones.
By thegermanygirl, at January 08, 2006 10:42 PM
Exactly, the Love of Christ is misunderstood often as well. Christ didn't try to dunk them when He met them. He wanted to know the person. "He had compassion on the people." Christ did not have a ministry of pity, but of compassion.
By Paul, at January 09, 2006 9:23 AM
Both of you have great points! I think that the problem with lack of compassion is that the world teaches you to say "yes" to yourself and "no" to others. We are taught that we should only worry about ourselves first which just breeds masive selfishness; which of course was not what Jesus was about!
By Luke and Lauren Weger, at January 26, 2006 11:22 PM
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